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Baur SA relies on highly qualified employees in both its technical department as well as its production facilities (manufacturing and assembly). Our company works with state of the art tools and systems. Our designers workstations (CAD) run the SolidWorks 3D package, our production equipment (CAM) relies on AlphaCam. This gives us the ability to directly transfer files from our CAD workstations into CAM parameters for manufacturing, reducing the time from ideas to product to a minimum. Our manufacturing equipment is CNC-based and have direct links to the CAM systems. Our quality control facilities are equipped for thermal tests and measurements, with storage devices that allow us to provide our customers with the level of traceability and quality they desire. Baur SA also maintains its own computer-controlled stock of spare parts (normalized and custom-made), making it easy to control and optimize the time between order and delivery to meet each customer's needs

Special drives

Target systems
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